Players found violating the NDA will be removed from the Programme. Reminder: The Sea of Thieves Insider Programme is covered by a Non-Disclosure Agreement which prohibits discussion of the insider experience outside the official Insiders Forum. Playing these builds also allows Insiders to unlock in-game rewards and exclusive cosmetics! Play, explore and let us know if you run into any issues or have any feedback through our official Insiders Forum.īeing an Insider gives you the opportunity to provide valuable feedback, raise the quality of new Sea of Thieves content and be more involved in the game’s development. This version of the game is exclusive to members of the Sea of Thieves Insider Programme and will contain new features and fixes that haven’t yet been made available to everyone. You can bring them up on the radial menu to sing yourself, or enjoy a jolly ruckus with your mates.For Sea of Thieves fans who enjoy exploring the unknown, there’s a crew of like-minded pirates waiting to welcome you aboard – the Insiders! This includes new character cosmetics, new ship cosmetics, and a new pet! New Sea Shantiesįinally, no pirate adventure is complete without a spot of music, which is why the game is adding three brand new sea shanties inspired by the legends of the merfolk. If you enjoyed the crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean last season, there’s some extra good news for you: if you check out the Pirate Emporium, you’ll find some new additions to the line of crossover-themed items. They’re a bit on the fragile side, but the extra firepower may come in handy for more crafty, coordinated attacks.
These little jollies are exactly what they sound like: rowboats with big cannons mounted on the front.
If you’re in a particularly aggressive mood and want to attack a vessel with everything you have and then some, you’ll want to invest in some of the new cannon rowboats. You’ll also be able to use the Speaking Trumpet backwards to have private conversations with your crew that other nearby players can’t hear. For those who play with microphones, your character’s mouth will now move in time with your chatter. This happened for the next 3 attempts, each time stopping at 45.2mb. The download speeds were slow, but then once the download reached 45.2mb done, it stopped installing further. I plugged it into my laptop, opened game pass and decided to start downloading Sea Of Thieves. For tweaks, going to sleep will cause your screen to darken rather than just leave you staring at your dozing character. I recently purchased a new 2tb external hard drive. You can also have your character engage in a bout of dice rolling, though it’s just for show rather than an actual game of dice. On the emote side of things, you can take a seat and put your feet up just about anywhere, whether it’s on a log at a campfire or over the ledge of your vessel.
If you want your pirating adventure to feel a little more true to life, there are a few new emotes coming, along with some little feature tweaks. They’re like fireworks, but less “wee, fun party” and more “oh no, we’re all gonna die.” New Emotes and Animated Mouths Of course, if it’s too dark for your taste, you can also fire off flares designed to shed light on dark terrain or send an SOS to nearby allies.
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If cannonballs aren’t festive enough for you, load the broadsiders with fireworks instead! This colorful ammunition doesn’t deal any damage, lighting up in a harmless show of sparks and color that are perfect for livening up an evening at sea. Just click on Sea of Thieves in the main menu of the Windows Store, it Will be marker as included in gamepass. Burying treasure will automatically create a treasure map to remind you where you hid it, though if you want to engage in some classic pirate shenanigans, you can pass out copies of the map or nail them to bulletin boards and challenge other players to find the X that marks the spot. So, what do we have to look forward to in this new update? Why, all sorts of fun things!įirst and foremost, you’ll finally be able to do the thing that pirates are most well-known for: burying treasure! You can dig a hole just about anywhere in the world and leave your booty (ill-gotten or otherwise) in it as a form of long-term storage.
#Sea of thieves pc download game pass update#
The update will be completely free to download, and there’ll be a brand new Plunder Pass to sink your teeth into with both free and paid tracks. The update will be available for download the morning of that day on all platforms, including Xbox Consoles and PC via Game Pass and Steam. Sea of Thieves season 5 starts on Thursday, December 2nd, 2021.