Windows exchange mail client setup
Windows exchange mail client setup

windows exchange mail client setup windows exchange mail client setup

#Windows exchange mail client setup how to

Knowing how to send SMTP commands via telnet is useful for testing firewalls and determining if a mail server is an open relay.

windows exchange mail client setup

The only big difference between MAPISend and Blat is the body of a message sent with Blat is pulled from a TXT file.Ĭ: \> Blat.exe body.txt –t –f –subject “Interested in Bowling Tonight?”īlat is also very useful for sending messages from batch files to SMS addresses or just regular e-mail addresses. -r specifies the recipient’s e-mail address.-t specifies the sender’s e-mail address.The important command line switches you need to know are: It is very similar to MAPISend however it does not require a mail profile to be present on the sending computer. Blat is a free, command line, SMTP mailer application. If you do not have a copy of the Exchange Server 2000 Resource Kit there is another option called Blat. I use this command to send me an e-mail to the SMS address of my Smartphone when certain automated tasks are complete. Pretty simple isn’t it? This command can be very useful if you wish to send a message once a batch job has completed running. As you can see this method could be easily scripted. If you find it in there, chances are it is not formatted properly. If they do not, look for it in the Badmail folder. Now if you entered everything correctly, the user will receive the e-mail message. For example:Ĭontent-Type: text/html charset=”iso-8859-1”Ĭontent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Using HTML will require you to specify the MIME version, content type and encoding. You can even add HTML code to the e-mail. The name of the file is irrelevant because as soon as it is sent the file is deleted. Saving that text to a file and copying it to the Pickup folder would send that e-mail message to Fred. When you install the SMTP service on a Windows 2000 or 2003 server a directory called Pickup is created under C:\Inetpub\Mailroot.

Windows exchange mail client setup